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  • President's Message: May 8, 2018

    Tuesday 08 May 2018

    Jeff Peevy, AMAM According to the Cambridge dictionary, "accomplishment" means, "something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort". I would say that describes the AMi graduate and active professional designation holder. AMi wants to acknowledge that success and effort by offering the new AMi Master Program Graduate Ring. This ring is available only to those who have earned a master-level professional designation. Read below for more information. The Automotive Management Institute is determined to elevate professionalism through role-based, verifiable credentials. If you have not earned a master level designation through AMi, why not start today?  

  • President's Message: April 25, 2018

    Wednesday 25 April 2018

    Jeff Peevy, AMAM   "In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists." This quote by the American philosopher Eric Hoffer sums up what is happening in our industry. It could also be stated like this, "what we know is becoming less important than what we are learning." For those of us who have been in the industry for many years, this can be difficult to acknowledge but is the reality we all face. This could not have been clearer from the industry feedback we received to create a Continuing Education Requirement for our industry-based professional designations. Whether you hold an AMi credential or pursuing one, just know its value, relevancy, and credibility increased the moment the requirement launched. Read section three to make sure you are taking steps to keep your designation active

  • President's Message: April 18, 2018

    Wednesday 18 April 2018

    Jeff Peevy, AMAM The initial impression we get when we meet someone or walk into a business for the first time is hard to change. In fact, a Harvard study found we form our first impression within seven seconds, and it takes an additional seven encounters with that person to change it. With that in mind, let's think about how our business facility looks when the customer pulls into our parking lot for the first time and then meets the staff, realizing if the impression is not good, we will likely not get seven more attempts to change it. Our industry is very technically minded, and often the majority of our efforts go into the technical aspects of our business. Don't forget that ever important first impression, because if we fail at that point, more than likely our cool tools, equipment and knowledge will never get a chance to be successful

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