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  • President's Message: March 7, 2018

    Wednesday 07 March 2018

    Jeff Peevy, AMAM The AMi team just returned from the ASA Midwest 2018 Vision event. It was a well-attended training event that included a large expo. It reaffirmed my belief in the importance of getting out and networking and learning from one another. Next we will be attending the ASA Northwest Automotive Training Expo, March 16-18th. Once again, we will have the benefit of networking with hundreds of industry professionals.These types of events change people's lives and careers. If you don't make it a practice to attend conferences and training events, you are hurting yourself and your business. Stop with the excuses and make the time and tap into the power of networking

  • President's Message: February 28, 2018

    Wednesday 28 February 2018

    Jeff Peevy, AMAM President Kennedy once said, "we must use time as a tool, not as a crutch." Too many times we think we are too busy to get everything done on our list of "to-do's." It is from this place of thought that we increase our stress, leading to even less getting done. Our ability to understand time and use it as a tool, instead of a crutch can really help us get more done. If you find yourself struggling with the idea of time, as I often do, then read section three in this week's Management Minutes

  • AMi begins Continuing Education Requirement

    Tuesday 27 February 2018

    North Richland Hills, Texas, February 26, 2018 ­- The Automotive Management Institute (AMi), the industry's leading management professional designation provider announced new continuing education requirements to maintain its professional designations. AMi will provide designation graduates holding one of its many professional designations until Dec. 31, 2018 to complete six credit hours of AMi-approved training to maintain a "current designation status." After 2018, anyone holding an AMi professional designation must complete a minimum of six credit hours of approved training within the 12-month calendar year. Graduates not meeting the continuing education requirement will lose permission to claim designation status."Ongoing advancements in customer service, marketing, leadership, and management compels AMi to require continuing education requirements to maintain the relevance of its professional credentials," said AMi Chairman, Sheri Hamilton. Individuals not meeting the annual C.E. requirements will no longer be listed on the orgainzation's verification of credential holders website and will be required to stop using AMi designations as a current credential. "The AMi core belief refers to learning as the only source of a sustainable competitive advantage. To be true to this belief and to promote the need to learn continually, it only made sense to develop this requirement," said Jeff Peevy, AMi president. AMi graduates may fullfil the annual six credit hours contining edu... read more

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